Women Executives

Elevate Your Executive Edge

Your Future : Our Focus

Do you have a confusing alphabet soup of stock compensation: RSUs, NSO, ISO, ESPP? Or have you accumulated several old 401(k)s? I start by addressing your urgent questions. We then shift to your bigger picture, exploring your values, goals, and money story. As a CFP® professional, I aim to be your lifelong advocate and thinking partner.

🔍 Why do people hire us? We’re often asked, "My advisor only talks about investments, but I also need tax and retirement advice. Can you help with that?" Yes, we can. 🎯

Your Questions : Our Mission

My company is going public. What should I do with my equity? How does the tax part work?

Am I invested in the right stuff?

Am I paying too much taxes? How can I reduce my tax liability?

Can all my assets and investments get me to and through retirement?

Do I have enough money for retirement?

Do I need to be investing in anything else?

Should I be worrying about things I hear in the news?

What happens if I need to start caring for my parents financially?

What if I get sick? How do I make sure my family is cared for?

Your Goals : Our Guidance

Tax Planning:

Strategies to minimize tax liabilities and take advantage of tax breaks available to high earners.

Wealth Accumulation & Investment Strategies:

Guidance on building wealth through effective investment strategies, such as diversification, asset allocation, and long-term financial planning.

Retirement Income Planning:

Guidance on retirement savings vehicles like 401(k)s, IRAs, and other investment options to ensure a comfortable retirement.

Risk Management & Insurance:

Protecting what’s important to you through appropriate insurance coverage and risk mitigation strategies.

Estate Planning:

Guidance on how to protect and distribute assets, minimize estate taxes, and plan for the future transfer of wealth to the next generation.

Employee Benefits Optimization:

Maximizing your employer benefits, such as stock options, retirement plans, and healthcare benefits.