Deborah L. Burdick

Client Services Associate

Hey there, I'm Deb. I lead the Client Services Team at Embrace Wealth Management. My career in the financial services industry began in 1985. My experience is diverse, having worked as a Trust Officer at Wells Fargo Private Banking 🏦 and in various roles at Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Edward Jones, and LPL Financial.

My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota. 🎓 This foundation has been instrumental in shaping my approach to client services. Over the years, I've served in different capacities - from a Financial Advisor at LPL Financial in Plano, TX,  to a Licensed Administrator in Dallas, TX. Each role has enriched my understanding of the industry and how best to serve our clients. 

When I'm not immersed in finance, I embrace the great outdoors. I have a deep passion for scuba diving 🤿 and have recently discovered the joys of kayaking. 🚣 These activities balance my professional life and reflect my belief in living a life of diverse experiences. 🚀